A sole proprietorship in EU. Ready to open?
Hi there! Today a critical topic is the opening of a private entrepreneur abroad.
As the inquiries show, the specialists are most concerned about the question: – when exactly should I open a private entrepreneur, and where is it better?
As part of our broadcast, we will consider the features of opening a sole proprietorship (FOP) in 10 European countries and provide answers to each of the hot questions from the IT sector.
Event Speakers:
Natalia Gaikalova has already helped 1000+ IT companies to open offices and work in any country in the world. She knows the features of taxation and business registration in Europe and other regions and compares them for you. Natalia – partner in financial and legal affairs E-residency Estonia in Ukraine, expert in financial and legal affairs in Payoneer, expert in building financial models of startups in the British accelerator EXIP
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